| 1. | They were men of wealth and good education . 他们都是受过良好教育的富有的人。 |
| 2. | Segouin had the unmistakable air of wealth . 赛古安一副财主派头,这是毋容置疑的。 |
| 3. | Miss crawford may choose her degree of wealth . 克劳福特小姐可以先择她要富到什么程度。 |
| 4. | We must not provide against the loss of wealth by poverty . 我们决不能用贫穷来预防财产的丧失。 |
| 5. | The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function of wealth . 现代对美貌的狂热崇拜并不只是财富的作用。 |
| 6. | She felt an affinity to all the subtler manifestations of wealth . 这些象征豪华奢侈的生活方式的东西吸引着她。 |
| 7. | The miner's instinct of wealth acquired in a single night prevailed, in spite of all . 开矿人巴望一夜发家的那种本性还是不顾一切的占着上风。 |
| 8. | There came by, on a mule with rich purple housings, an old man redolent of wealth . 一个泛着铜钱气味的老人骑着带有富丽的紫色披挂的骡子走了过来。 |
| 9. | The old-time miner's idea of wealth easily gained and quickly spent persisted in his mind . 他脑子里念念不忘那种过去当矿工时对金钱的看法:来得容易,花得痛快。 |
| 10. | Those aggregate statistics, however, concealed shocking disparities in the distribution of wealth . 然而,这些大略的统计数字却掩盖了财富分配方面骇人听闻的悬殊差别。 |